
Building Fires, Connecting Humans
There’s nothing like a campfire (and a few curse words) to remind me why I love the wild parts of ourselves.
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An Executive Director, a Mechanic, and a Teenager Walk into a Bar...
Multiple audiences: the eternal challenge of the social change space.
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Order and Chaos
I lean toward order, but like everything in life, I have to embrace chaos. How can I think about it differently?
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Finding the Soul of Data
We humans were storytellers long before the time of data collection and statistical research came into play. How can we merge these worlds?
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A Tarot Thought Experiment for Communications & Design
Fortune telling cards or new creative tool?
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Rhythms of Work and Nature
Even working in digital world, we are still animals connected to nature.
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Strangers on a Train
There's nothing like civil conversation to restore your faith in humanity.
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I ♥ Feelings!
Emotions connect us to each other and the world. Let's speak the language of feelings!
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The Alchemy of Collective Creation
Hint: It's about letting go and trusting collective wisdom
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A Peek at My Bedroom
Sharing some things that inspire me!
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Other People's Shoes (and Hearts)
Empathy is a practice - and it can be profound in life and work
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Birds, Bees and Annual Reports
What might nature have to offer as inspiration for an annual report?
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Fear is Your Friend
What you're afraid to say just might be the key to showing up authentically for your people.
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Do you have an Alicia?
Are you getting up close and personal with your audience? Give it a try!
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How's your foundation?
New communications projects can often uncover foundational questions. Don't hesitate to dig in!
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Scrappy = Creativity In Disguise
Budgets provide constraints, not barriers. That reframe is powerful, and I use it all the time in my work.
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Infuse some creativity into your strategy
Like it or not, strategy is usually in the driver’s seat at an organization. Creativity must help bring that strategy to life.
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Ditch the goal and embrace the unknown
What might communications look like if we let go of outcomes and focused on learning?
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Are you listening before talking?
We too often neglect the most important part of the process: listening. And there is a cost.
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The planet is on fire and I want to make buttercream roses
It’s so beautiful what we humans are capable of. We can envision the future (both the good and the bad) and our creativity knows no bounds.
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Who are you talking to?
Does money drive your communications? Does your communications pie chart look like your values pie chart?
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A website as a transformative process
The process to getting to a new website can be a changing experience as much as the product itself is.
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Does your audience need a PhD to understand your website?
People are often shocked that many pages on their website have a post-graduate reading level. As part of my process of talking to potential clients, I offer a brief website audit and a reading level analysis is part of it.
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